The ‘Place’ Command

“Place” is a common refrain around these parts.  It’s the command that Sweet Baby L seemed to pick up on the quickest, probably because it felt most like a game to her. We’d say “Sweet Baby L, place” and she’d trot over to climb up onto her elevated bed.  Even though she grasped “place” quickly. I was skeptical of using it too much because it felt like she was getting sent to time-out or something. How wrong I was. 

What Is the “Place” Command? 

A dog who learns “place” will retreat to a specific spot when you tell them to, and stay there until you tell them they can leave.  Sweet Baby’s L’s “place” is her Coolaroo bed. For the most part, she seems to enjoy observing the family from her special spot, but there are also times when she will do her best to dial up the guilt if she wants to get off her place.. This can include whining, pouting, and putting on her saddest face. 

Why Use the Place Command?  

I’ve learned to overlook any of her attempts at manipulation, because I know and appreciate just how much it calms her down.  It gives her a job, so to speak, and that requires focus. She knows what is expected of her and is happy to comply.  More often than not, she finds being on her place quite relaxing.

When The  Place Command Has Been Helpful 

  • When We Have Guests 
    Sweet Baby L has a tendency to get a bit overwhelmed when there is lots of excitement happening around her (i.e. lots of visitors).  Rather than have her getting all riled up when visitors arrive, she is sent to her place after they ring the bell. Once they’re inside and settled, Sweet Baby L is allowed off her place, and by then, the flurry of greeting has died down. It’s less stressful for her, and less stressful for us. 

  • When We Are Cooking 
    Place has become the solution during dinner time preparations. Rather than have Sweet Baby L underfoot, begging for any piece of scrap she can find, she sits on her place and gives us side-eye until we are done. She may not be at her happiest, but at least she’s not barking at us 

  • When The Baby Is Eating
    We have an infant who recently started eating solid foods. At first, Sweet Baby L was thrilled by this development. Almost none of the food actually made it into the baby’s mouth. Most of it ended up on the floor, where Sweet Baby L would quickly scarf it up. This routine lasted a few weeks until I realized this was a bad idea in a few ways (see : is my dog too fat).  She also semed to be getting stressed out when she felt like she wasn’t getting as much food as she wanted. I also worried that she might try to stand up too quickly and knock the high-chair over. Now, whenever the baby’s eating, Sweet Baby L is on her place.  

  • When There’s A Mess 
    Speaking of babies, we recently had an unfortunate bout of stomach bug that resulted in the baby throwing up all over the floor. Sweet Baby L immediately came over to inspect. Before she could get too close, she was re-routed to her place where she sat quietly until we were able to mop everything up. 

    Not long after that, I dropped a glass that shattered in about a million different places.  I didn’t have to worry at all about her stepping into it because immediately after it happened, all I had to say was “Sweet Baby L, place,” and I knew she would be out of harm’s way until I managed to clear it up.