As someone who is constantly worried about things that are unlikely to actually happen (my dog running away, my dog being kidnapped, etc.) you’d think getting a GPS tracker for her would have been at the top of my priorities list.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t. I actually didn’t even know that dog collars with GPS existed. But they do, and they seem very fancy, not to mention, expensive. Even if I had been up to speed on all the latest and greatest in wearable dog technology, I don’t think I would have invested because at the moment our lifestyle doesn’t meet the criteria I would need to justify the investment.

I might consider one if any of the following became true:

  • We used a dog walker. Here I am being overly paranoid but the idea of Sweet Baby L being out with someone else for extended periods of time would make me a little…anxious. It is what it is.

  • She lost her recall command. At the moment, Sweet Baby L is very good at coming when she’s called. If she wasn’t very well-trained on that, and I had reason to believe she might run off and not come back, then yes, a GPS might be in order.

  • We started frequently traveling to unfamiliar places. Yes, Sweet Baby L has a good recall, but if we often found ourselves in new, unfamiliar environments wit her off-leash, I could imagine her getting distracted and running off/getting lost. Imagining her wandering the streets of an unfamiliar neighborhood alone breaks my heart! Yes, please, GPS tracker.
  • We lived on a large property that wasn’t fenced in. If we are ever so lucky as to own a huge property, I know Sweet Baby L would enjoy getting to romp around freely. It would be hard to keep an eye on her at all times, so if she did manage to chase a bird or pigeon our of our line of sight, I can see the GPS being a lifesaver.

  • We had kids that walked her. Our baby isn’t yet old enough to walk Sweet Baby L, but will be one day. And while Sweet Baby L is pretty good on her leash, she’s also a pup that weighs 90 pounds. If they accidentally dropped her lead or she pulled a bit too hard, it might be tough for them to regain control. Having the tracker on her then would be helpful.