Category: Diary

  • Do I Need Pet Insurance?

    If you’ve been reading here for awhile, you know the answer, in my opinion, to the question “do I need pet insurance?” Is always YES. Yet, when we first brought Sweet Baby L home, I wasn’t fully convinced we needed it. It seemed expensive and surely I could get away with not having it, right?…

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  • 3 Commands an Anxious Dog Owner Needs ASAP

    As a dog owner who is constantly worried about whether my dog is OK, effective training has been a huge part of reducing my anxiety. In the first few months after Sweet Baby L came home, I was (unpleasantly?) surprised by how hard training a puppy was, but encouraged by the well-behaved dogs I observed…

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  • Things I Don’t Worry About (As Much) Anymore

    As an overly anxious dog owner, of course I find a way to worry about everything when it comes to Sweet Baby Ls happiness and well-being. When she was a brand new baby puppy, I think it’s fair to say that I overreacted (read : panicked) about a lot of things. I’d like to acknowledge…

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  • Off to Dog Camp

    Sweet Baby L leaves today for almost an entire month. 😦 It will be the longest time we will be apart since we brought her home. To say I’m nervous/sad/worried about her about it is an understatement, so how did we end up here?  My husband is from Australia and it has been more than…

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  • Making a Dog First Aid Kit

    Given my propensity to overthink and obsess about potential worst case scenarios, you might assume I have a serious dog first aid kit filled with all sorts of supplies, ready to be deployed at any given moment, right? Wrong.  Until recently, it never actually occurred to me that I would even need a dog first…

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  • Puppy Socialization

    A few weeks before Sweet Baby L came home, her breeder sent a letter filled with instructions to help us get her settled. I scanned through the document that listed all the suggested supplies and kibbles and my eye settled on one sentence under the socialization section: Puppies generally go through a fear stage and…

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  • 4 Products for Anxious Dog Owners

    The best dog products for anxious dog owners

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  • The ‘Place’ Command

    “Place” is a common refrain around these parts.  It’s the command that Sweet Baby L seemed to pick up on the quickest, probably because it felt most like a game to her. We’d say “Sweet Baby L, place” and she’d trot over to climb up onto her elevated bed.  Even though she grasped “place” quickly.…

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  • Things My Dog Hates

    These are the things I was surprised to learn my dog hates.

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  • Reflections on First-Time Dog Ownership

    It’s been almost two years since we brought Sweet Baby L home.  It’s hard to imagine a time when she wasn’t part of our family. Just the other day, I was looking at her and thinking about how much more grown up she looks now. My baby puppy! Getting so big!  It made me think…

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